Three furniture makers were recognised for their contribution and achievements to the industry at a special ceremony in the City of London as part of the Master Certificate Scheme Ceremony 2024.

The Master Certificate Scheme, launched in 2001 and run by City of London livery companies in partnership with City & Guilds, aims to recognise excellence and promote career progression from Apprentice to Journeyman and Master level.

To qualify for a certificate at any of the three levels, the applicant must provide evidence of having achieved an appropriate level of responsibility and technical knowledge in their sector and given support to those pursuing a career in the industry.

The ceremony, attended by the Rt Hon the Lord Mayor, Alderman Michael Mainelli, took place at Mansion House, London on Monday 3 March.  A total of 64 representatives from 18 livery companies were in attendance.

The three furniture makers awarded an Apprentice, Journeyman or Master certificate by The Furniture Makers’ Company were:

  • Apprentice Certificate – Tab van der Lande, designer-maker at Sebastian Cox
  • Journeyman Certificate – Paul Ferris, bespoke interior surface innovation specialist at Rolls Royce
  • Master Certificate – Audrey Fasquelle, bespoke wood specialist/marquetarian at Rolls Royce.

Audrey and Paul arrived at the ceremony in style with Rolls Royce sending them in one of the luxury cars.

Master of The Furniture Makers’ Company Amanda Waring said: “I was delighted to be present to witness the presentation of these very well-deserved certificates to those in our industry. They have not only excelled in their own profession but have helped and supported so many young people that have joined our industry. This scheme provides us with a way to recognise these achievements and to encourage others to follow.”

After the ceremony, the Master presented the Lord Mayor, who is an honorary liveryman of the Company, with the gift of a commemorative box, made by Neil McRory at Rycotewood Furniture Centre.

It is the tradition that the Lord Major is presented with an appropriate gift by the livery companies that they are members of.

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