Members of staff from Panaz have raised £400 for our charity by organising a group walk in West Yorkshire.

The walk, which took place on Sunday 22 May, saw seven members of the team, including Panaz chairman and Master Furniture Maker Tony Attard, walk 12km via some of West Yorkshire’s incredible natural attractions, including Hardcastle Crags, Lumb Hole Falls and Stoodley Pike.

The team completed the walk within four hours and finished the day with a well-deserved stop at the Blue Pig Pub.

Bal Hruboczki, logistics controller at Panaz who organised the walk, said: “It was a lovely day for it with great company and for a good cause too.”

Jonny Westbrooke, CEO of The Furniture Makers’ Company, said: “Thank you so much to the team for raising £400 for the charity – it is very much appreciated and will help support go towards supporting someone from the trade who has fallen on hard times.”

An account of the day can be read on the Panaz website.

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