Through a unique collaboration between The Furniture Makers’ Company, the furnishing industry’s charity, and the Festival of Silver, the Goldsmiths’ Centre will be hosting the Inspired exhibition of modern silver and contemporary furniture during Clerkenwell Design Week 19-21 May 2015.

This highly creative exhibition brings together the finest designers and makers of contemporary furniture and modern silversmithing.

Bespoke items of furniture, many made by current holders of our prestigious Bespoke Guild Mark, will be the perfect foil for exquisite pieces of modern silver, and all items on display will be for sale.

“The UK’s bespoke designer makers are among the very best in the world, so it is gratifying to have so much excellent work on show in one venue during such a key week in the international design calendar,” said the Master of The Furniture Makers’ Company, Paul von der Heyde.

There will also be an opportunity to learn more about the designer makers, their work on display and how they went about setting up in business through a series of lunchtime talks from keynote industry speakers during Clerkenwell Design Week at The Goldsmiths’ Centre.


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